Welcome to Cottage Bliss in OC!
Gifts, collectibles, home decor and so much more!
From the moment you walk into Cottage Bliss, your senses will be overwhelmed with delight. Cottage Bliss is a store for princesses, ladies, and queens alike. From Cottage White Furniture to Pink Christmas Trees, there is so much to take in and browse through. There are literally thousands of gift items, very reasonably priced, and so fun to choose from.
Cottage Bliss is located in the heart of the spanish village, San Clemente, in south coast OC. Come have some fun ...
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Affordable Gifts for All Your Princesses are Found at Cottage Bliss!
From jewelry to crowns, pink trees to gowns, Cottage Bliss has something for every discerning princess, no matter what age. Sometimes you just have to be dreaming of a pink Christmas, we understand. Come, shop, experience! Click here for directions